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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

On November 18th, 2017, we migrated ‘My Cisco Workspace’ and the ‘Service Order RMA tool’ to a single landing page called ‘Product Returns & Replacements (RMA)’. From this page you can view all your RMAs, what stage they are in, click on the RMA to see the associated timeline and some customers have access to create RMAs.


We’ve Simplified Your RMA Experience:

With our new landing page comes a new ability for RMA creation. We call this ability the Customer Handoff Experience!  The Customer Handoff Experience gives Cisco the ability to start creating the RMA and allows you to finish it online!


We’re Bringing Value to You:

When our Logistics and Technical Support teams generate an RMA, they need to collect RMA details before creating the RMA. This means you need to compile and document the RMA Details in an email or read this information to us over the phone.

Our new Customer Handoff Experience will eliminate the back and forth between you and Cisco when an RMA is needed and let you update shipping information directly on your RMA before submitting the order.


How it Works:

Our new RMA Creation process consists of four steps:

  1. Part Information
  2. Site Information
  3. Delivery Details
  4. Review & Submit

Our Logistics and Technical Support teams now have the option to start creating the RMA by completing Step 1: Part information and verifying entitlement. Once the part information is added they will handoff the RMA to you (Acknowledgement CCO ID). You will receive an email with a link to the RMA online and from there you can Complete Step 2: Site Information, Step 3: Delivery Details and Step 4: Review & Submit.

How We Did It:

For our innovative team to implement a valuable and robust solution, we partnered with real users such as our stakeholders, Customers and Partners to capture their insights. We studied how users work, what they do and listened to what they wanted. As we designed, we went back to users and showed them what we had come up with and asked hundreds of questions to learn if we were meeting their needs. We took these insights and used them to build our new design.


Level 1
Level 1

Please ,  the service part tool capabilities is very useful to query CISCO FRU PNs .  In the new web solution , how Cisco provides access to the " View service part" (Search for Service Parts and view descriptions )  menu ?

Thank you .
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


The View Service Parts tool will be available from the PRR landing page. You can find it under Look up Products. Anyone who has a active CCO ID should have access to look up parts from this tool.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, Im trying to find the replacement serial number, for a part we received. I only have the old serial, but not the rma number. Is it possible? Tks


Cisco Support team: 
Our Cisco Logistics Department might be able to assist you in finding the information you are looking for. 

Please call 1800-553-2447 Opt 4


I hope you have a great day.


Jacqui Wells
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Thank you for contacting us with the question below. In the Product Returns & Replacement (RMA) landing page, there is a section to search RMAs. In this section, there is a drop down which allows you to search by the below Criteria:


  • RMA number
  • Company Name
  • Product Name
  • Serial Number
  • Service Request Number

The above shows the option to search by Serial Number. 


Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions.


Jacqui Wells
Change Management

Level 1
Level 1

I need to renew our company registration with Cisco

Level 1
Level 1

Will I be able to access RMA/Service Order created by team mates that have same contract access?


This is important when solving issues and/or escalating RMAs.
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Thank you for contacting us. You will still have this capability in the new Product Returns & Replacement (RMA) landing page. 


You will be able to use the Search Bar to lookup RMAs by your team which have the same contract.


Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Jacqui Wells

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, I need to know how create a new RMA online or this is only available by phone? while new portal will be available.


Kinds Regards
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Thank you for commenting on this post. If you would like to create your own RMAs online, you need to be given access and meet the criteria for SORT Access.


To request access please follow the below:


Please go to: Feedback Link 

Select the below from the drop downs on the Feedback Link:

Tools: Product Returns & Replacement
Category: Access Request


Then continue to fill in the remaining fields. This will be reviewed by the Cisco RMA Support team and they will advise if you meet the criteria to be able to create RMAs online or if you need to call our Logistics or TAC Department to create RMAs for you.


Please let me know if you have any further questions and thank you for commenting on our post!




Jacqui Wells
Cisco Change Management Team



Level 1
Level 1

Jacqui, I've had team mates submitted requests via the Feedback link (mutilple at this point), and they've received REQ#, but nothing has been dont to provide them access they are still getting the following in CCW.


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Thank you for contacting us through this blog. The RMA Support team should reply back to customers if they are or are not providing access.


I would like to be able to support you as much as possible, therefore if you could email me at with those REQ# I will reach out to the RMA Support team and follow up on those requests.


Looking forward to hearing from you and looking forward to resolving your inquiry quickly.




Jacqui Wells
Cisco Change Management

Level 1
Level 1

As we don't get emails from the system when a ticket was created, and I didn't capture the older ticket #s. (Shame on me).

Here is what I can provide so you can research old tickets: (REQ0021676, REQ0017964, REQ0047130).
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Thanks for providing that information. I sent you a private email with the information requested above.


Have a great day!


Jacqui Wells

Change Management

Level 1
Level 1

do you have documentation (step by step) how to use your POWR tool?  I want to put together process documents for my work but since my previous cases are closed I can not access the screens to give examples.

Level 1
Level 1

Please see the following Cisco User Guide & Demos on Cisco Product Online Web Returns (POWR 2.0)


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