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How to link user profile of PT assessment to netacad account?

Level 1
Level 1


As a teacher I create .pka files as assessments for my students. In Covid times, they have to do these at home. To make sure everyones hands in their own wordk, I would like an automated way to link the user profile info to the netacad account they use when logging in.

Procedure at the moment:

  1. Student opens .pka
  2. Student is asked to login with netacad credentials
  3. Student logs in, otherwise he cannot start with the .pka file
  4. After login, the student is presented with the form "user profile", where guest is the default
  5. Here the student can type in whatever he or she wants, even the name of anoher student ....

That is flawed logic to me. In the user profile info, "guest" should not be the default. The default should be the username with which the user logged on! Because the student can now type whatever he or she wants, taking assessments is not fraude proof.


Also, when the default is guest, and the students accept that, it is impossible to use the activity grader tool. You then get a csv where all the usernames are set to "guest" with scores behind. But which score belongs to which student is a mystery.


It cannot be that there is no way to autofill the user profile username field in a PT activity with the username with which the student logged in to netacad!

1 Reply 1

Martin L

I think that is something should be address to PT people via the Net academy since it is their product. 


Regards, ML
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