We are running ART with Call Manager 3.2.2c however we have a major problem, the CDR records are being send from all our publishers and are being inserted into the CDR database just fine, however the ART database isn't getting populated.
We have tried nearly everything you can thing of - we have changed the scheduler server - stop and restarted the services - rebooted the server, all to no evail.
We have noticed however that lots of errors are being generated in the scheduler error log (ARTSchError.log) with the following:-
at com.cisco.art.controller.CtrPreGenReports.generate(CtrPreGenReports.java, Compiled Code)
at com.cisco.art.scheduler.SchThread.run(SchThread.java:650)
If anyone has come across this before please tell me what you did to fix it and yes we have even tried re-installing ART.
Look forward to your replies.
Senior Network Engineer