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Welcome to the Cisco Networking  Professionals Ask the Expert conversation. This is an opportunity to learn more about the Digital Media Suite and get an update on the new 5.2.x features with Tomas de Leon.  Tomas de Leon is a Technical Leader in the Customer Advanced Engineering Group at Cisco, supporting various emerging technologies through product testing and field trials. He is also a subject matter expert for Cisco in the area of digital media and media processing and assists with network design, documentation, and troubleshooting for critical deployments.  He holds a bachelor of business administration degree in computer information systems and holds CCIE certification #2202 in Routing & Switching.

Remember to use the rating system to let Tomas know if you have received an adequate response.

Tomas might not be able to answer each question due to the volume expected during this event. Our moderators will post many of the unanswered   questions in other discussion forums shortly after the event. This  event  lasts through September 13, 2010. Visit this forum often to view  responses  to your questions and the questions of other community  members.

29 Replies 29

Level 1
Level 1

Hi tomas,

Do Cisco Digital signate had solution for interactive video? we 're looking for solution that using DMM to integrate with interactive video by load content (Flash/Web/or any interactive applicaton) direct to DMP box, but not sure about this possibity to do so , any recommend?

In DMS 5.2.x, the DMPs support Touchscreen displays.   With this feature, you can or a Cisco Partner

can develop touchscreen applications or presentations in order to create and interactive user


The enclosed DMP data sheet lists the Supported Systems & Vendors for Touchscreen


I hope this answers you question!



Level 1
Level 1


I want to deploy Cisco Show and Share but I am not really what exactly I need.

Can I deploy just in One server? along with DMM+ CAST or is mandatory have two servers?

Could you explain how it is?


This is a question and a discussion that you should be having with your Cisco Sales Rep, Cisco

Account Team, or Cisco Partner.  Please contact them to better discuss your needs and options.

That said, I will try to give you an overview of the what is needed minus the details of all of the

costs, part numbers, licenses, etc... all needed to place an order etc...

A good start for you is to read the Data Sheet on Show and Share.  The information provided

here will give you the generic overview of what is needed.

For Show and Share (SnS), Digital Media Manager (DMM), and Cast, You will need two appliances.

The DMM\Cast\Digital Signage is one appliance.  The SnS is a separate appliance.

Depending on your needs will determine which model of each appliance that you will need to purchase.

In addition to the appliances, you may need a Server (Web & App) to store and serve you DMS

content.  This will also be determined based on your needs and requirements.

So with the information that you provide you will need at least 2 appliances and maybe a UCS server

for store and serve content or host applications like etc...

Take a look a the data sheet for SnS listed above and you can browse the other data sheets if necessary.

Then, as mentioned above, contact your local Cisco Sales Representative for specifics...




Can we build a HA environment with multiple DMM's ??



Currently (DMS 5.2.1), High Availability(HA) is not available.

A Cold Standby is the only redundancy or backup at this


HA is on the roadmap and ** SHOULD ** be a feature in an

upcoming release.  I do not have a timeframe for the feature but

is should be real soon.  Stay tuned.



Thanks Tomas.

I just want to be sure I need two appliances. One for the DMM and One for SnS.

The reason I am confuse is because the following:

- On the server Hosting DMM you still need to add the SnS Module and as a option the live evente Module.

- No matter is you have de SnS appliance with the rigth software and licence, you still need the SnS module on the DMM appliance?

thanks a lot.

Yes, the SnS module is part of the licensing and integration between the

the DMM & SnS appliances.  The appliances pair together.

If you have a DMM without the SnS module, you have a DMS solution

for Digital Signs & Cast.

In summary, you will need 2 appliances (DMM & SnS) and all of the appropriate

modules and licenses for the DMM to manage the integration between the DMM

and the SnS.

As noted above, Your Cisco Partner or Cisco Sales\Account Team will assist

you in preparing your Bill of Materials for your specific DMS Needs.



Level 1
Level 1

I have a DMP 4400 and I'm trying to control display power on and power off with the rs232 serial port. I have a non cisco display.

I used the following set command in advance task on DMM 5.2.1 to activate rs232 functionality on a specific DMP:


After the DMP reboots, it starts operating at a much slower speed. It takes several minutes for the startup splash screen to disappear. After that finally happens, my content takes an unacceptable amount of time to load. It can take a minute or too for my content to load from the initial screen wipe from black, which also occurs at a snails pace. Even after all that the rs232 controls aren't ever leaving the port. I hooked it to my laptop and confirmed this.

If I deactivate rs232, the DMP begins operating at normal speed. I also ran the same command on a DMP 4305. It worked just fine. I had total control over the TV.

Does anyone have any idea?

Thanks in advance.


I have not seen this issue personally, but did see a case where another

customer has the same issue.  The problem actually turned out to be the

RS232 cable itself.

The customer had multiple DMPs configured for RS232 and was only experiencing

the issue on one DMP.  The Cables tested fine and the pinouts within specification.

After swapping the cable from a working configuration to the DMP experiencing the

slowness, the DMP performed as expected.

* So one suggestion would be to try the serial cable from another DMP configuration.

* Another thing to try is to reset or restore the problem DMP to factory defaults. After it

reboots, reconfigure as needed to work in your DMS environment.  Then, test your content

prior to adding RS232 support.  After the content is played as expected, configure the DMP

for RS232 support and test the content performance again.

If the problem persists, please provide the detailed output of the "status" mib for the

DMP in question.



Level 1
Level 1

Delete it please!

Tomas de Leon
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


My apologies, but I do not work on the Security products like

Cisco Ironport.  Are you sure you posted your question in the

correct forum?

Did you mean to post your questions in the other active

Ask the Expert session?  (CCIE Security

with Yusuf Bhaiji)

You may want to post your question in that forum.



Delete it please!

Level 1
Level 1


Is there a SRND out for DMS yet? 

