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Level 1
Level 1


we have installed CCM,ICM and QM ,all three are integrated and we are using Post Routing now the problem what i am facing is if QM goes down entire call center operation will goes down. i would like to know is there any way i can route the call directly to the agent without going to the QM.QM Functionality can be used only if it be possible through translation routing ?



6 Replies 6

Level 1
Level 1


IPCC (CCM, ICM & QM) has implicit translation routing, so there is no need to configure a translation route to deliver the call to an agent.

You could probably re-write your ICM script to check the status of the IP IVR, if the IVR is available then deliver calls to the queue, else route the calls direct to the skill group.

The only problem with this is that if all of your agents are busy, then the caller will busy tone. You could configure a hunt group on the CCM to avoid this problem - this would also take account of the ICM failing - but you would not see correct ICM reporting stats.

Regards, Gary

Hi Gary.

Thanks for the reply,Still i have doubt because if QM goes down,Route point also will also goes down then the caller will get fastbusy tone.

Can you please explain this to me or some documentation on this will help me.



It depends on how are you using the que manager. Are you just using to que the calls or it plays a intial message when the caller calls in and ask for some in put.

If it is not playing any intial message when the calle calls in, check in your ICM script if any agents are availabe if yes send it to that skill group if no agents are availbe then send it to the queue manager.

The caller will get bsy if all your agents are busy and queue manger is down.


Hi Rajeev

I am not using QM for prompting the call or playing welcome message, i am using only for queueing the calls.

Now think about the Scenario where is QM is Down. in this case what will happen is ,caller will get fast busy tone.

This is because since QM is down, Route point is also down so call manger does not know this DN, call will be dropped and caller will get fast busy tone.

i would like know is there any way i can avoid this.




I do not think so. The caller will get busy tone only in a situation when, all the agents are busy and the Queue Manger is down. Can you try it, by loggin in one agent and then bring down the Queue Manger and make two or theree calls. See what happens.



The caller getting a fast busy when the QM is down, depends on the following factors

1. Are you transferring the caller to a route point associated with the QM (Jtapi User for QM ), if yes .. then u'll get a fast busy. if no, then you will not get a fast busy.

2. If you are transferring the caller to a route point associated to the ICM system ( CCM User ) then it dosent matter if your QM is up or not. ICM will associate the call with the script and will follow accordingly.

Hope this helps
