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Change pri-group timeslots

Level 1
Level 1

My customer has upgraded their local PRI from 12 channels to the full PRI. It's coming into a 2821 VWIC (PVDM2-48 on board) & is running CME/CUE. Seemingly simple question: Can I take the T1 controller config from "pri-group timeslots 1-12,24" to "pri-group timeslots 1-24" without taking the whole thing down?

From my initial attempts it appears that the router wants to shut down the controller & voice port, delete the existing pri-group (which does away with all references to the D channel & associated voice port), then tells me it doesn't have the DSP resources to accomodate the new pri-group setting. Yet it "remembers" everything when I set the pri-group timeslots back the way they were, except the voice port in the dial peers.

The only other thing I can think to do is change the startup-config manually & reboot. I'm hoping someone else may have a less disruptive solution. These folks almost never get off the phone! Thanks for any help.


5 Replies 5

Level 6
Level 6

No. You cannot take the T1 controller config from "pri-group timeslots 1-12,24" to "pri-group timeslots 1-24" without taking the whole thing down

Level 1
Level 1

Had a similar situation. Even after shutting down the T1 controller and deleting all voice ports and dial-peers, it still would not let me modify the pri-group. I gave up, made the changes in the startup config, and rebooted.

Thanks for the replies. Glad it's not just me. This should be able to be done dynamically. Would be nice to be able to change an ephone's MAC address without rebooting, too. IOS coders, are you listening?

Once you shut down controller and voice-port, copy the configs under the controller (before hand)

and at global config mode, do a

default controller t1 1/0

This will reset controller t1 configs to default with framing sf, and ami. Now use a notepad, paste the configs that you copied, and edit the pri-group command, and paste it back in.

Never had any issue doing it this way!

PS: Ben, btw, how is the phone system running ??

Sankar Nair
UC Solutions Architect
Pacific Northwest | CDW
CCIE Collaboration #17135 Emeritus

Here is the script I use to reset my PRI channel's after a router reboot. You will have to change the obvious values like channel amounts and dial-peers of course, but it works like a champ...

controller t1 1/0



int s1/0:23


no isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager


voice-port 1/0:23



controller T1 1/0

no pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp

pri-group timeslots 1-6 service mgcp


int s1/0:23

isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager

no shut


voice-port 1/0:23

no shut


controller t1 1/0

no shut


dial-peer voice 1 pots

port 1/0:23


dial-peer voice 10 pots

port 1/0:23