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Cisco finally moves a bit in the WSDL arena


I just downloaded the axlsql toolkit from my CCM 5.1 and it contains a wsdl + xsd file for Microsoft's wsdl.exe and Axis 1.4.

It still doesn't look as problem free as you have to make some changes in the stubs and the readme contains some passages that still scare me (The schema file AXLSoap.xsd is only for code generation and has been modified to enusure that future changes in the Database schema will cause minimum breakage to the code generated using WSDL and the schema files in the parent directory must be used for reference and for validation of response.) but that's a far cry from having to write your own xml statemens and parse the response on your own.

Seeing as changes still have to be made would indicate that the WSDL isn't autogenerated from the server implementation (if it were, there'd be at least one toolkit that could implement the WSDL without making any code changes.. and some wsdl generators can be told to create wsdl files using different approaches (e.g. the handling of arrays.. )) so we're still not where we ought to be, but at least something has been done.

The drawback here is that unless they're doing unit tests on those generated stubs, you'll run into unexplainable errors that will require that you debug the stub.

6 Replies 6

Level 1
Level 1


did you succeed to generate a proxy. It fails with Visual Studio .Net. I have read in documentation it should work with Altova xmlSpy. However when opening axlsoap.xsd with xmlSpy, I get an error loading AXLEnums.xsd although the file is present ?

Did you solve this issue ?

Best regards,

JM Lacoste


The code generation works fine with Eclipse and WebTools.



Thanks for the information.

This is a good news for Java developers. unfortunaly, we are using C#.

Do someone succeed to generate a proxy in C# (with xmlSpy or other) ?

Thx and rgds,

JM Lacoste

I was able to generate code using the wsdl.exe from .net 3.5 (pre-release). The wsdl and xsd files are from a CallManager 6.0(1) server.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\wsdl.exe" /l:vb /o:axlapi.vb AXLAPI.wsdl axlsoap.xsd

I haven't tried to use it yet; there are some gotchas in the readme.

With the latest AXL releases for CCM 5.1.2 or 6.0.1, you also get some documentation on how to create your proxy stubs.. there's quite a bit of manual work involved for C#.

Thanks for posting the command there! I am very new to etc.. just playing around with it at the moment. But that is a useful command!

Going to try it out with 6.1.1 now.. but like you say. It does require some modification after you compile it.

