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Device Unregisted

Level 1
Level 1

In the event log of my subscriber ccm I am constantly receiving messages in the application event log telling me that a phone is unregisted. This mainly seems to occur between 06:30 and roughly 17:30 everyday except at the weekends. The code given in the message (9) suggests a server restart. This is not the case. This event happens regularly throughtout the day with roughly 2 minutes between events. Has any one seen anything like this before?

Could this indicate a network problem?


7 Replies 7

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Peter,

we've had a similar problem but always when Backup finished. The reason was the Virus Scan (disable scanning .rar solves the problem). To verifiy Processor Instance look there:

enable SDL Trace to look at StationInitKeepAliveTimeout messages, because this can indicate network problems

hope this helps


Unfortunalty this is unlikely to be the problem. We do our backups at night and we havn't installed a virus checker on the callmanager server. The deregistered messages only come during the day and not whilst the network is idle.

Level 1
Level 1

Is it just a couple of repeat offender phones or is this happening at random to all of your phones?


I also get this error on both the publisher and subscriber. I have version 3.2(3) and am using extension mobility. I have tied to when users log in and log out of the phones.

I have been led to believe that this is a normal activity. Is this correct.



Whilst I haven't done an exhaustive check it appears to be fairly random, although a few names do seem to come up more often than others. I have uses with IP communicatore that crop up relatively often but then I am expecting that. The others have ip telephones both on the local Lan and over the Wan network. The worrying thing is, the frequency of the messages roughly every 2 minutes.

I would be making sure that you don't have any LAN or WAN errors anywhere that might be causing the skinny keepalives to be corrupted or lost all together. Also, make sure you are hard-coded for speed and duplex everywhere. Even on the phone ports themselves. Especially on the server switch ports and NIC cards.



Thanks for the suggestion Jason. A part from the server ports the ports out to the telephones have been left at auto negotiate. This dosen't appear to have caused us a problem, yet. Having done some research it appears that the device unregistered occurs either when the call forward all function is used or that a third party application called Trio (CTI application) is used. Trio is used to tell the operator when you have gone to lunch, or have a holiday etc. Has anyone noticed similar messages with this or similiar cti applications?