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Feature Group D on a T1 - outgoing calls not working

Level 1
Level 1

I have been working with Sprint and Cisco TAC to try and get Feature Group D working on a 3640 Router to enable ANI and DNIS digit collection but after 2 attempts now we still have failed. We are using the DS0-Group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgd command and the incoming calls work with caller ID and DNIS info collected but outgoing calls from Cisco IP phones fail and hang up almost immediately after dialing. We switch the T1 back to e&m-wink-start dtmf dnis and everything works fine but no ANI and DNIS are collected although with a debug voice ccapi inout command we do see *anidigitshere*dnsi* collect but just not decoded correctly by the router. Anyone have any thoughts as to why outgoing calls fail with feature group d? I am guessing a Sprint provisioning error is taking place but have no idea how to have them fix it! thanks for any help!

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

When configured with FGD you will be able to receive ANI/DNIS information but when configured with FGD-EANA you are expected to send ANI/DNIS but expected to receive only DNIS. FGD EANA is a asymmetrical protocol, one side is BOC side and the other side is carrier side. For more information on this please refer to TR-NPL-000258 standard. It is hard to receive and send ANI/DNIS with CAS. You have two choices with your requirements. One is to configure would be have 2 seperate ds0-group's one for sending ANI/DNIS (eana) and second for receving ANI/DNIS (fgd). The second option would be to switch to circuit to PRI.

Hope that helps..



Thanks for the help Ketan. I troubleshot with Cisco TAC and Sprint again tonight and Sprint could see the digits on a outbound call being sent but then the call would disconnect, I think Sprint has something set wrong on the switch but have no idea what. We were informed that we would lose the ability to send caller id if we enabled feature e&m-fgd and felt that was better than not receiving ani or dnis. Incoming ANI and DNIS are working great when we enable the FGD. Cisco TAC is telling Sprint we need a second wink after they receive the outpulsed digits. Does that sound right to you?

So would it be correct to assume that you currently have FGD configured on the router and you are able to receive ANI/DNIS just fine. Also when you make outbound call you are only sending DNIS only. Just to prove that sprint is configured correctly can you configure the router as FGD-EANA so that we send them ANI/DNIS. I believe sprint has config issue on there side and they are expecting to see ANI plus DNIS and so when you only send DNIS to sprint it looks at DNIS as ANI and waits for DNIS and finally disconnects.. Please make a outbound call once you configure the router as FGD-EANA. Let us know the outcome of the test..

