05:43 PM
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06:43 PM
I know I know FXO ports are not the best thing to use for a PSTN connection but that is what I have to work with.
I have seen other posts and have tried the solutions but I am getting to the point of ripping the lines out of the wall and using basic rate isdn and paying for it myself.
The problem is mainly disconnect supervision and calls do not clear down after a call is made from time to time.
The other problem is if a caller calls in and hangs up the internal phone will keep ringing forever, when it is picked up the use gets nu tone.
I have set all the correct settings for an analogue line from the carrier Telecom according to a recommendation from the TAC but they seem to lockup still.
Here is the voiceport config:
voice-port 2/0
supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call
output attenuation 0
echo-cancel coverage 32
cptone NZ
timeouts call-disconnect 5
timeouts ringing 360
timeouts wait-release 5
impedance complex2
If anyone has a FXO solution working or knows the best way to tweak the settings to get it semi usable I would be grateful hearing from you.
Thanks in advance
PS. I hate FXO
06-23-2004 07:22 AM
Did u tried applying shut/no shut after the configuration. If not try this. This may solve u r problem
06-23-2004 06:21 PM
Is the incoming call directed to another pots peer or is it a voip peer?
If it is a pots peer I remember reading that there are some limitations on certain models of routers that bypass the dsps on pots-pots calls (I don't know if they apply or not to this case) that make FXO disconnect supervision based on tones impossible because there are no dsps to detect them.
If the incoming call is directed to a voip peer, try, just for experiment sake, putting a plar on the port (so that it does not disconnect with the dtmf) to a voip peer and adding
echo-cancel enable
connection plar xxxxxx
supervisory disconnect anytone
See if it disconnects correctly when someone hangs-up before the internal phone is answered. Like this it must hangup at any tone during call setup.
06-24-2004 12:30 PM
Hi Filipe
You make a good point, I will give this a try. It is however a mgcp connection to a call manager and I do see the dsp in use when a call is in progress but it still doesnt detect the disconnect tone from the carrier which is 400hz 250ms on 250ms off.
I tried to make a voice class for the disconnect signal but still no joy...
I will let you know how I go
06-24-2004 12:10 AM
I am using
supervisory disconnect dualtone pre-connect
and it works fine.
I had a problem with
supervisory disconnect anytone
since it was randomly clearing ongoing calls.
06-24-2004 01:24 PM
Are you using MGCP or H.323?
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