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List of AXL bugs


We all know AXL isn't exactly as great as it's hyped to be and since we're all bound to run into the same issues, why not compile a list of what's wrong. It'll also make pressuring Cisco into fixing AXL once and for all easier.

So I'll go first:

User: the <firstname> and <lastname> element are written <firstName> and <lastName> respectively when you make a getUser despite the documentation saying otherwise. adduser and updateuser use the proper notation.

CCM Version: 4.1.3

35 Replies 35

And another one:

The character encoding is different between data from the DC Directory (Users), and data from the SQL database.

While creating users /devices/device profiles/lines using accented or umlaut characters is no problem, reading them is.. the response from getUser is UTF-8 encoded, the response from a getPhone is ISO-8859-1 encoded (also known as ISO-LATIN-1). The default character encoding in Europe is LATIN1 so pretty much everything was coming back okay and I never noticed until now.


kicks of the alertingName, if you do not give any. i did not found this attribute in any doku as required .. so if i am wrong please correct me..

greetz j. wiesmann

Hmm... I do see the alertingName as a mandatory attribute of the updateLine command in the 4.1.3 documentation. However, that still makes it a bug as the existence of mandatory fields ought to be checked and an error be thrown if the xml request doesn't match the requirements.

Level 1
Level 1

Do not really know if it is a bug or not.

If not, please can anybody explain that to me.

Every list* request, returns with the namespace:

and not as i supposed with the following:

if you do not "reset" the namespace, it causes an unmarshalable result if you try to unmarshal it with the generated java *.classes using jaxb.

CCM 413 SR3a

With regards to the locale setting problem that was brought up earlier, it is a known bug: CSCsc49709. I'm waiting to get an ES for my CCM.

Also, starting in 4.2.3, there's a service parameter in the advanced DBL parameters that, when turned on, will return the character encoding in front of each AXL response.. that can be useful as data from the DC directory is UTF-8 encoded, and data from the SQL Database uses Latin1 instead. You can have that functionality for earlier CCM versions but you have to request an ES (so having some kind of support contract with Cisco is probably a necessity).

In CCM 4.2 method addCallPickupGroup creates a new Call Pickup Group with empty DESCRIPTION field." sequence="1">



Call Pick Up Group