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MP8 Type 2 - cannot joining video conference

Level 1
Level 1


I have MP8 and WebEx node, and Type 2 integation which means scheduling via WebEx interface.


-three video capable IP Phones. 2*9951 and 1*9971

-IP Phones are working fine ad-hoc video conference via CUCM media resource group (MP8 as ad-hoc video conference)

-Audio and Web confereence are working fine when scheduling via WebEx interface


-on MP8, assigned all video ports (6) to 'scheduled'

-configure all MP8 user profile including 'guest' to allow video conference 'call-in+host video conference.

-create a scheudle on WebEx interface with disable 'video' to utilize MP8 as vedio resource

-on three IP Phones, join to scheduled audio conference successfully but not anchoring video.

-my expectation is, three IP Phones should participating video conference automatically because I allocated all video ports (6) to 'scheduled'

Any idea why IP Phones cannot joining video conference?

Thanks in advance,

12 Replies 12

Tim Smith
Level 4
Level 4


Not sure this is the only issue. But, in type II all conferences in MP8 will appear as reservationless, not scheduled. So I would change your ports and allocate them to reservationless.



Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Tim Smith
Level 4
Level 4

Possibly just try default settings on scheduled meeting too, don't disable video etc. I haven't tried with Cisco phone endpoints yet, but we did have a couple of room based Tandberg units in a vc bridged on MeetingPlace, scheduled via Webex.



Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Level 1
Level 1

When an IP phone creates a video conference ad-hoc, it joins a third (or more) caller to an existing call. Once this is done, CUCM request MCU resources for mixing audio and video. Understanding this, in your scenario where everyone calls into a MP/WebEx meeting, each user is calling a bridge resource to mix audio. Never in this scenario will an IP phone have CUCM request MCU resources as the phone is only connected to a single call, the audio connection to the MP8 conference. The only way this may work would be to have a single phone dial into the MP conference, and then the other participants are joined by having that user hit the Conf button and bring them in. They will show as a single user on the WebEx though. I hope this clears up what may be happening. I know the behavior you're looking for and the only workaround I know of is the manual Conf button that will request the MCU resources.


Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Hi Mike,

What if MP dials out to the phone?

I think the scenario I tested was joining a Tandberg unit to the MP bridge, then dialing out via MP to another Tandberg unit.

Known limitation that Webex video and MP video are not currently mixed / integrated yet.

But Tandberg video worked in this scenario.

Does this mean it is a limitation in the video functionality of the phones?



Let me update the situation from original posting

1. three video capable IP Phones are wroking fine ad-hoc video conference via CUCM media resource group by assigning MP as conference resource

-this case, assigned 6 video ports to 'ad-hoc'

2. reservationless conference

-assign all video ports (6) to 'scheduled'. No 'ad-hoc video port' at this time

-from fist video capable IP Phone, dial MP pilot number and create a reservationless meeting and I can see video on the Phone

-2nd video capable IP Phone, dial the MP pilot number and joining on the existing reservationless meeting. now both Phones show up video properly

-3rd video capable IP Phone, joining the existing reservatioless meeting. now all IP Phone show up video properly

-this scenario is reservationless meeting which is totally independent from WebEx scheduling and using MP 'scheduled' video ports

3. WebEx meeting

-create a meeting from WebEx interface and disabled 'video' feature at this time. I know its not compatible bewteen WebEx and MP so should disable 'video' to utilize MP as video resource

-from video capable IP Phone, dial MP pilot number and joining the existing meeting which created from WebEx interface

-all three video capble IP Phones are works audio conference but no video show up

Please advise whether #3 workable solution.



Tim Smith
Level 4
Level 4

As I said originally. I would try a couple of things.

Webex scheduled meetings do not show up as scheduled meetings in mp8. They are all reservationless from mp point of view.

So my first suspicion is you do not have any rsservationless video ports available as you assigned them all to scheduled.

Don't disable video in the scheduled meeting at this stage. Just use defaults for your scheduled meeting. Worst that can happen is you see phone video on phones and a separate webex video conference in webex if people turn on cams.

Try joining the host and inviting a video phone via the webex meeting controls.



Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Tim Smith
Level 4
Level 4

Just to be clear, this is for scenario 3.

Mp8 knows nothing of the scheduled meetings. Webex holds all the scheduling info.

When the meeting is due to start, webex sends the app server a start meeting request through the API. Hence, why it looks like reservationless. You can even check to see in mp conf manager and you will not see any scheduled meetings. This also should be documented in the docwiki.

I think the other issue with this is that you can oversubscribe the mp ports via webex scheduling as webex is unaware of mp resource bookings. Maybe the integration needs an update so that webex attempts a scheduled booking on mp, therefore checking and reserving resources.



Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Thanks Tim,

As I said reservationless video conference which the conference initiated via TUI is working fine and also I have max 6 ports per reservationless meeting on MP. Did you been try exactly my scenario? I contacted Cisco and they confirmed its okay my scheduling methodology but still struggling and I really want to hear a workable solution with exact steps.



This is my understanding of Webex and MP integration (Type II with Webex Scheduling) / scheduling so far...

***ALL*** meetings scheduled through Webex will appear to MP server as reservationless

Even meetings that you have "Scheduled" in Webex will appear as a reservationless meeting to MP

When you schedule a meeting in Webex.. it does not create a scheduled meeting in MP

(You can verify this with Meeting Place Conference Manager) - Schedule your meetings through Webex and you will not see any scheduled meetings

Instead.. before the meeting starts.. Webex will start a reservationless meeting in MP

Therefore - your allocation of scheduled ports on MP will not ever get used with Webex scheduling

As I said before, I have not had this working with phones yet, I've had it working with 2 x Tandberg room based systems.

My suggestions for your troubleshooting are as follows:

1. Make sure you have reservationless video ports allocated

2. Do not disable video in the Webex scheduled meeting

3. Try a scenario where the host joins the Webex - get Webex to dial out to your video phone - then do the same for the other participants.. i.e. join webex via PC, and get MP to dial out to them from the Webex control.

Capture the logs for some of these test sessions from MP.

As I also said, the issue with all meetings appearing in MP as reservationless instead of scheduled means that no ports are reserved, and I think MP could easily be oversubscribed as Webex doesn't know what is allocated in MP. I'd like to get round and test this theory.



Sorry, not sure if that was 100% clear.. but I was not suggesting testing reservationless via TUI.

I was referring to your scenario 3

Scheduled through webex - video enabled - get webex to dial out to phones to join video / audio bridge...



Some more info for you! This docco didnt exist when I was setting mine up! I wish it did... would have saved me some time

Key takeaway...

Cisco MeetingPlace 8 Usage Parameters

Select System Configuration > User Configuration > Reservationless Meetings.

Make sure that you set Enable reservationless meetings to Yes. When a meeting gets scheduled via WebEx, it is reservationless only.

There is also more information in the docwiki.. not sure if you have seen this yet?


