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Mysteriously Non-existent voicemail box...

Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys...<br><br>We have our main # (3500) which does not have a voicemail account.. yet it shows there are voicemails on that #... where are they and how do I get to them???? Our receptionist just told us this, but apparently it's been this way for months now :( :(<br><br>Any ideas?<br>Thanks!<br>Glenn<br><br>---<br>Glenn E. Sieb, System Administrator<br>Lumeta Corp.<br>+1 732 357-3514 (V) <br>+1 732 564-0731 (Fax)

1 Reply 1

Not applicable

What do you mean "it shows there are voice mails for this account"?

I assume you mean the 3500 number dumps folks into the opening greeting?

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that some messages may have been left for the operator mailbox or the Example Interviewer (which is where calls go after hours unless you configured it otherwise) and that these messages have all been routed to the Example Administrator mailbox.

Also, there is a distribution list called "Unaddressed Messages" that our setup creates (again, Example Administrator is by default the only recipient in this list... you're supposed to add other folks during the configuration process). Any messages that couldn't be delivered for whatever reason end up being routed here.

Check to be sure you have at least one valid member in the unaddressed messages list. check that the operator box and the interview handler have valid message recipients. Open the Example Administrator mailbox using Outlook and check for messages there... I'll bet you find a few.

If that's not what you're talking about, please explain what the problem is exactly.

Jeff Lindborg
Unity Product Architect/Answer Monkey
Cisco Systems (new page for Unity support tools and scripts)