hi Everyone, not sure what the best solution is to add cheap internet bandwidth. Right now I have a 3750 stack as our core switch. On the core switch I have 2 VLANs. One VLAN is for WAN and one is for LAN. The WAN VLAN has our internet router, and the outside interfaces of two ASA's set up as failover. The LAN VLAN has everything else, including our MPLS router for the remote offices. Execs are cheap and want to increase internet bandwidth by purchasing a local home internet service like COX or Time Warner cable to add to our Business internet service with TelePacific which is a bonded T1 at 3 meg. Execs dont seem to care about SLA's and simply will not spend big dollars to increase the pipe. I was looking at those Mushroom Networks appliances but its too expensive for us also. Anyone out there know of a way to add additional low cost bandwidth with out current setup? Maybe prefer to keep important internet traffic to the SLA circuit, and then put low priority traffic to the cheap non SLA cable modem if possible. Please advise,