Hello all - I'm missing something here - but I'll ask anyway... :)
Take a look at the BGP Case Studies (Case#5, Practical Design Example) at:
Watch the wrap.
In the beginning of the case study, I am assuming synchronization is on as the author asks us to turn it off in the next few pages.
My issue: Take a look at the first "show ip bgp" for RTB in case study #5.
Notice this network:
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i203.250.13.0 0 100 0 i
Given that this route is learned via iBGP and
we see the > notation, doesn't this suggest
that the route is synchronized with an
IGP route?
Yet, since this is an ospf route originating
from a loopback interface from RTA, it will
be advertised as a /32 in OSPF.
This is where I get confused. Can BGP
report that a route is synchronized, best
and valid if there isn't a corresponding
route with the exact same prefix in the
IGP table assuming synchronization is on?
Am I missing something here?
ps - Sorry to ask this questions again.