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DMZ routing problems

Level 1
Level 1

I have a routing problem that is beyond my meger talents. I have a WAN that consists of point to point T1 lines. Routing is RIP v2. Internally, all subnets can talk to one another without any problem. Users from without the WAN can access the internet through the firewall at the main site. I am using 2600 series routers. The firewall is Microsoft ISA server. Attached to this is our DMZ. This is a interface with another network that is not trusted enough to be treated as part of our WAN.

The main office is

The DMZ is

Users in the main office can ping

Users in any of the other subnets within the WAN (10.10.2.x to 10.10.8.x) cannot ping but rather receive a destination host unreachable from the local interface of their 2600 series router. Yet, these same users can access resources on the DMZ from the same servers that they cannot ping.

I do not have static routes on the routers that I am aware of. Where should I begin?

13 Replies 13

Kevin Dorrell
Level 10
Level 10

If the remote users cannot ping the DMZ servers, but can access their resources, then I don't think it's a routing problem. But they are getting a host unreachable from their local router in response to the ping. Are you surebthere is not an access list on the 2600 forbidding ping?

Try show ip route on one of the 2600s. Is showing up?

Kevin Dorrell

Luxembourg does not show up on any of the routers within the WAN. The only machine that makes the routing decision for the DMZ ( is Microsoft ISA server. There is a persistent routing statement on this machine that directs traffic out that interface. 172.16.1.x 172.16.x.x -p. Users that are on the same network segment as this server can ping resources in the DMZ. Users in other segments of the WAN cannot.

Even though your WAN 2600's don't have 172.16.1.x routes if they have default routes which will ultimately get them to the ISA server than thats good enough for routing.

I am confused as to what the problem is? Are you trying to block access?


I'm not trying to block access. I am curious as to why a ping packet is not returned by the upstream router. If I am in the network segment 10.10.1.x and ping 172.16.1.x I get a response because the ISA server is in the same network segment. If I am in the 10.10.2.x network segment and ping 172.16.1.x I get a destination host unreachable returned by the local interface of the router directly attached to that network segment. I can ping machines in any of the 10.10.x.x segments and receive a response. What I am trying to figure out is where the packets are being dropped and if this could be part of the problem with slow responses from resources in the DMZ.

Does a tracert from a PC on the 10.10.2.x network also stop at the local router interface?

It doesn't make sense that you would be able to access specific resources but not get a ping through unless there is an ACL or some thing like that on the local router.


Yes, tracert also stops at the local interface of the router and returns a destination unreachable.

Here is my current configuration:

2650Branch#show run

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 841 bytes


version 12.2

service timestamps debug uptime

service timestamps log uptime

service password-encryption


hostname 2650Branch



enable password


ip subnet-zero


ip domain-name

ip name-server


interface FastEthernet0/0

description connected to the Branch office

ip address

duplex auto

speed auto


interface Serial0/0

description connected to the main office

ip address

encapsulation ppp

no keepalive


service-module t1 remote-alarm-enable


router rip

version 2


no auto-summary


ip classless

no ip http server

ip pim bidir-enable



line con 0

exec-timeout 0 0

line aux 0

line vty 0 4




no scheduler allocate



I can't seem to find an ACL.

How are the users accessing the resources? What programs are they using? Some thing that points them to an IP address or some thing like that?

Can you post a show ip route from the WAN router, and also can you ping from the router/s?



By default firewall blocks any ICMP request.Please check your config in firewall.I assume that users from DMZ can not also ping OUTSIDE user.If users can access the resources they need in DMZ i think its more in firewall issue not routing.Hope this would help..

This reply is for Daniel and s-cortes. This is the actual show ip route from the router in the same network segment as the ISA firewall. From this network segment I can ping resources in the DMZ and the internet. From the router itself, I can only ping resources within the WAN. This would seem to make sense as this router terminates point to point T1 lines that create the WAN. Users throughout the WAN access resources on the DMZ using an Oracle client - server configuration. This is IP based. The Microsoft ISA server makes the routing decisions, either local network, Internet or DMZ. What I can't figure out is why I can ping external resources from the local segment, but I can't from the WAN. Where do you think the packets are dropped?

2650main#show ip route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks

C is directly connected, Serial0/1:0

C is directly connected, Serial0/1:0

R [120/1] via, 00:00:28, Serial0/1:0 is subnetted, 1 subnets

C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks

C is directly connected, Serial0/2:0

R [120/1] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/2:0

C is directly connected is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks

C is directly connected, Serial0/0

R [120/1] via, 00:00:14, Serial0/0

C is directly connected, Serial0/0


If the routing table on your other WAN routers are similar than it makes sense to me that you would not be able to ping the DMZ network since there is no route in the table, and no default route for last resort.

This seems strange to me that the users could access resources with no direct route to the destination. Are users maybe pointing to an IP from the local network at the hub site which is NAT'd on the ISA server to a device onthe DMZ?

If you want to really know if and how the traffic is hitting the ISA server from an Oracle client across the WAN I would put a hub between the ISA server and switch its connected to and put a PC with sniffer software on the hub and watch the packets that hit the ISA server.

You could also do this at your remote WAN sites as well to see if its taking the WAN for DMZ connectivity. Put a hub between your router and switch at a remote site with a PC with sniffer software and see if the Oracle client is traversing the WAN.

By looking at your routing table I don't see how users would hit the DMZ across the WAN since there is no route or a default route.


The WAN routers are mirror images of each other. The default gateway for users in the same network segment as the ISA server is the internal interface of this server. The ISA server routes the packets to the internal network, performs NAT and passes them to the external interface (Internet) or passes them to the DMZ based on destination IP. The default gateway for each of the WAN segments is the local interface of the router directly connected to that segment. Users get to resources on the DMZ because persistent routing statements in the routing tables of the ISA server point to the servers in the DMZ.Would adding a gateway of last resort on each WAN router, and pointing it to the upstream router help? Or should I craft a static ip route that passes traffic to the DMZ through the next hop router?

If its a hub and spoke topology then all you'd need to do is put a static route for your DMZ in your hub (main site) router pointing to the ISA server and then redistribute that into RIP "redistribute static"

But I am still curious as to how they are accessing the servers right now with out this configuration.

Sniffer captures would reveal this.


I placed a static route pointing the ip addresses of the servers on the DMZ and redistributed it to the WAN routers. Now users throughout the WAN can ping the servers. The reason they could access these resources before is Oracle creates a client server connection through specific ports on the firewall. Close those ports and the program fails. The program doesn't run any faster but now I know it's not a configuration error on my end. Thanks for all your help.

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