I'm getting error messages after removing sub-interfaces on a 10GE linecard on a 12410, then leaving the telnet session open until the session timeout. The error messages are:
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: set cfg-exited: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: standby set time: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: set calendar: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: set cfg-dirty: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: standby set time: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: RC Set cfg-changed: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: set cfg-changed: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: set cfg-exited: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: set monvar: timeout
%IPCGRP-3-ERROR: get confreg: timeout
They occur whenever I enter the config mode and after each command it takes a while to get the prompt again. I know that this waiting time is because of the timeouts in the error messages, but I don´t know how to resolve this issue.
The error message is not documented in detail and only refers to TAG or sales representative. If anyone has experienced something similar please advise.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks,