Hi, we have a supervisor iv 4515 module showing as "faulty". We have receieved a spare module, but this
is unlikely to have the same IOS version on as the other active supervisor.
What's the upgrade procedure to get it to match the existing module?
Redundancy mode is RPR, but this will change to SSO when we've replaced this card and got everything working again.
Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No.
1 2 Supervisor IV 1000BaseX (GBIC) WS-X4515
2 2 Supervisor IV 1000BaseX (GBIC) WS-X4515
3 6 1000BaseX (GBIC) WS-X4306-GB
7 48 10/100/1000BaseT (RJ45) WS-X4448-GB-RJ45
M MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status
1 000d.bd75.aac0 to 000d.bd75.aac1 3.0 12.1(12r)EW 12.2(25)EWA14 Ok
2 000d.bd75.aac2 to 000d.bd75.aac3 3.0 12.1(12r)EW 12.2(25)EWA14, Faulty
3 000d.6504.3918 to 000d.6504.391d 2.2 Ok
7 000d.29dc.2810 to 000d.29dc.283f 1.1 Ok