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in Ciscoview module is blank

Level 1
Level 1

In my nework there are two Cat4006 SUP3 switchs with a 48 port 10/100 module.I use Ciscoworks2000 LMS2.0.In Ciscoview,the appeared module and SuperEngine of one Cat4006 is blank,another is normal.Why?

The following is the output of "show version" on both Cat4006.

-----------------sh ver--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-IS-M), Version 12.1(8a)EW1, )

TAC Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Wed 20-Feb-02 18:02 by eaarmas

Image text-base: 0x00000000, data-base: 0x00AA30DC

ROM: 12.1(12r)EW

Cat4006-1 uptime is 2 weeks, 11 hours, 50 minutes

System returned to ROM by reload

System image file is "bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.EW1.bin"

cisco WS-C4006 (MPC8245) processor (revision 7) with 262144K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID FOX06300183

Last reset from Reload

48 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

2 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

467K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

Configuration register is 0x2102

7 Replies 7

Level 8
Level 8

Make sure that you have installed the latest CV device package for this switch from:

Yes,i have installed the lastes CV device package which file name is Cat4000IOS.cv50.v3-1.

This device package supports both WS-X4014 and WS-X4515. Which specific module is showing up blank?

The modules is WS-X4148-RJ.

WS-X4148-RJ is listed as supported in the package README file. You should turn on the debugs in CV and contact TAC further.

how to turn on the debugs in CV ?

Under CW2K->Device Manager->Administration->CiscoView Server->Debug options and display log. Check both the boxes for SNMP and Activity Trace and click on OK. Then open up the device again in CV. The traces messages are logged to $NMSROOT\CSCOpx\log\cv.log file on Windows and /var/adm/CSCOpx/log/cv.log on Solaris. Make sure that you turn this off later so that it does not fill up your disk space.

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