I am running v4.3.6 (2841) below is the output from the command pnexp> export all.
I can see that I am connecting on the SFTP server (in the logs) and I am creating the folder as expected but there is nothing being sent. I have R/W permissions on the destination system. Any ideas to what could be the issue here?
pnexp> export all
Usage: export {config|data|all} {nfs_path} [MM/DD/YY:HH]
pnexp> export all sftp:
WARNING: this will stop CS-MARS, do you wish to continue (yes/no): yes
Estimated total number of events to export: 223842332
Estimated time to export events: 6 hours 13 minutes
Estimated space for exported events: 10674 MB
Do you wish to continue (yes/no): yes
Please enter username on ******
Please enter password for ******:
!!! Stopping CS-MARS processes ...
!!! Exporting config data to local disk
Dumping configuration data, may take a while ...
Configuration dump finished.
Configdump to /tmp/Some_MARS_2010-06-17-17-02-19 finished successfully.
!!! Moving config data to the remote host
Error: failed to save file to the remote host