I have IDS 4210, show version appears like this:
IDS# sh ver
Application Partition:
Cisco Systems Intrusion Detection Sensor, Version 4.0(1)S37
OS Version 2.4.18-5smpbigphys
Platform: IDS-4210
Using 257458176 out of 261312512 bytes of available memory (98% usage)
Using 1.1G out of 17G bytes of available disk space (7% usage)
I want to upgrade this IDS to IDS-sig-4.1-4-S100.rpm.pkg, but readme says first I have to upgrade to Version 4.1(1)S47 to 4.1(3)S61 sensors must first be updated with the 4.1(4)S91 Service Pack before applying the 4.1(4)S100 Signature Update.
Reviewing information, In order to update to version 4.1(1)S47, documentation also says IDS-4210 and IDS-4220 series sensors must be upgraded to 512 MB RAM using a Cisco upgrade kit (Part # IDS-4210-MEM-U or IDS-4220-MEM-U) before they can be upgraded with IDS software version 4.1 or later. This upgrade is free to customers with SMARTnet.
Please let me know if according to my show version I already have the memory requirements.
Thanks for any help,