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lldp tlv 127 errors using Cisco switch and Avaya phone

Level 1
Level 1

Have Avaya 1220 and 1230 IP phones.  Cisco 3560 power switches, current IOS.  Lldp turned on globally, using network policy to assign voice vlan to the interface (nothing else is configured in the network policy for the interfaces except the voice vlan number).  The phones boot up fine, they use lldp to discover the voice vlan, voice quality is good, we are in test mode and not doing any Qos.

Here is the problem on every switch where the phones are connected:

sh lldp traffic

LLDP traffic statistics:

    Total frames out: 77247

    Total entries aged: 7

    Total frames in: 19709

    Total frames received in error: 19709

    Total frames discarded: 0

    Total TLVs discarded: 19709

    Total TLVs unrecognized: 0

The switch ports themselves report no CRC or other errors.

I did a "debug lldp error" and for each interface, every 30 seconds (advertising interval) I got: "LLDP malformed optional TLV 127 found - ignored"

Should I be concerned?


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