03-18-2013 01:11 PM
We recently had a power supply failure in one of our Nexus 7000s, and I noticed that the syslog for the Platform is only present in the default VDC, and not in any of the other VDCs syslogs. Is this by design, or is there a logging level I can turn up in another VDC to capture this log? Thanks for any input
syslog from default VDC -
2013 Mar 18 23:10:34 %PLATFORM-2-PS_CAPACITY_CHANGE: Power supply PS3 changed i
ts capacity. possibly due to power cable removal/insertion (Serial number xxxxxxxx)
nothing in the VDC where I would like to get the logging
default VDC logging level -
xxx7K02# show log level platform
Facility Default Severity Current Session Severity
-------- ---------------- ------------------------
platform 5 5
0(emergencies) 1(alerts) 2(critical)
3(errors) 4(warnings) 5(notifications)
6(information) 7(debugging)
loggging from the specific VDC where we have management tools.
xxx-LOW# show log level platform
Facility Default Severity Current Session Severity
-------- ---------------- ------------------------
platform 5 5
0(emergencies) 1(alerts) 2(critical)
3(errors) 4(warnings) 5(notifications)
6(information) 7(debugging)