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WLC SSO - firmware version

Karel Navratil
Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,


has anybody made working SSO between two WLCs on this fw version?


I set it according to many guides available on the on the Internet, SSO enabled:


(czc-hat-mohel-3) >show redundancy summary
            Redundancy Mode = SSO ENABLED
                Local State = ACTIVE
                 Peer State = STANDBY HOT
                       Unit = Primary
                    Unit ID = A4:93:4C:B0:D0:E0
           Redundancy State = SSO
               Mobility MAC = A4:93:4C:B0:D0:E0
Management Gateway Failover = DISABLED
            BulkSync Status = Complete
Average Redundancy Peer Reachability Latency = 426 Micro Seconds


(czc-hat-mohel-3-Standby) >show redundancy summary
            Redundancy Mode = SSO ENABLED
                Local State = STANDBY HOT
                 Peer State = ACTIVE
                       Unit = Secondary (Inherited AP License Count = 12)
                    Unit ID = 7C:0E:CE:63:A8:40
           Redundancy State = SSO
               Mobility MAC = A4:93:4C:B0:D0:E0
Management Gateway Failover = DISABLED
Average Redundancy Peer Reachability Latency = 419 Micro Seconds


But when I issue a command "redundancy force-switchover" it simply does not work.


Ping reply to management interface times out. Primary unit reboots and StandBy unit starts to respond on the management interface in about 30 - 40 seconds later on.


I suppose that it is not supposed to work like that.






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