09-28-2015 09:40 PM
I recently bought two SG110D-05.
I installed one in a brand new environment. There is a laptop, a computer and a printer connected to it. Everything works fine with that one. The cabling goes to a SG112-24-NA switch, which in turn, is connected to a Cisco Router 881 (C881-K9). So all equipment is brand new and, if I'm not mistaking, all running at 1Gbps. In any case, all is well.
The other one I use in an older environment and a PC, a printer and a server were connected to it. Everything worked fine at first but not for long. This switch is connected directly to the router (an old Bell Canada router). Not even after an hour, the client called to say that nothing was working. I asked him to unplug the switch and plug it back it. Everything started working again. Next morning, same thing. This time, I went myself to the office. I noticed that even though nothing was plugged in port #3, that light was flashing. I installed an old switch I had in stock and brought the new Cisco switch to my office. Everything has been working fine for my client since then. So, I know the problem was the switch.
After a few days, I connected the power to the switch in my office and left it there to work on it later. Even though, I hadn't plug anything in it (except the power), when I came in the next morning, I notice that, again, port #3 light was flashing. See the attached photo .... It's flashing really quickly and the only way to make it stop, is to turn off the switch and restart it. I called tech support and, after discussion, they sent me an RMA. So, I proceeded to sent them the faulty switch and wait for its replacement.
I got the replacement today. I plugged it my office and plugged in a printer with it. Sent something to the printer and everything was fine. After a while, people started complaining that the Internet wasn't working anymore. I went into the room where the switch was installed and, yes, the light on port #3 was flashing also on this "new" switch I got from Cisco. It's not the same serial number, so I don't think they sent the same switch back to me. As soon as I turned off the switch, everybody had access to the Internet again. Nobody was connected to the switch directly (except the printer) but they were connected by wifi to the router where the switch was connected. When I turned off the switch, I didn't do anything to the router and everything was working again.
So, did I get another "bad" DOA switch ? I don't think there is any firmware I can update on these switch. Right ? Since, the other one is working with brand new equipment and all at 1Gbps, I'm starting to believe that this switch doesn't work well with older equipment and a mix and match of 1Gbps and 100Mbps. After a while, it looks like the communication doesn't go through properly with the switch and it goes "bonkers".
Any suggestion ?
Thanks !