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Options for obtaining software updates

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Forum,

I've recently been placed in charge of a number of Cisco ASA5510 firewalls which don't have support contracts.

Unfortunately without a support contract I don't have access to any ASA or ASDM patches/updates.

I obtained a quote from a local Cisco partner for what I've been told is the rock-bottom most basic support option ( CON-SNT-AS1BUNK9 ). This includes 24x7x365 support and next day hardware replacement and is more than half the cost of replacing a unit. We have redundancies and backups in place and our networks will survive the loss of an ASA without any issues. We really can live without 24x7x365 Cisco support and hardware replacement, but we can't justify maintaining unpatchable ASA's, especially given some of the recent vulnerabilities.

So my question is, what options are available to me if all I want is to be able to download ASA and ASDM patches (which I'll note are provided free-for-life from a number of alternative firewall vendors :-)?

Thanks for any advice you may have.

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