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Cisco One license for Prime Infrastructure

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, I am working on a customer quote required 100+ Catalyst 2960 switches and 30+ ISR Routers and Prime Infrastructure to monitor them. I am actually confused about the license tokens of PI required for the devices.

I have used C1-CISCO4321/K9 for the router and added:

C1F1PISR4320SK9 Cisco ONE Foundation Perpetual License ISR 4321

which includes for each device

C1-PI-LFAS-ISR-K9 Cisco ONE PI Device License for LF, AS, & IWAN App for ISR

My question: Do I have to separately purchase PI License token for C1-ISR routers or abovementioned C1-PI license can be imported on Prime Infrastructure ?

L-MGMT3X-TKN-K9= Cisco Ent MGMT: PI 3.x LF, AS & APIC-EM Lic, 1 Token

PS: I already added 1 x L-MGMT3X-TKN-K9= for each 2960 Switch.

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