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Air-AP1852i-E-K9 unable to connect to WLC 2500

Level 1
Level 1


I have problem connecting out of the box Air-AP1852i-E-K9 to my working WLC2500.


WLC 2500 running firmware:

AP1852 running firmware version:  AP Running Image     :

initially I checked that the time was wrong on the AP and I was unable to correct the time so for test reasons I changed the time on the WLC to match the AP time but it is still not working. 

I am also told that the firmware on the WLC needs upgrading to 8.1. minimum, but I am a bit concerned about the licences that are on the WLC at the moment. It came with 5 AP licence.



On the AP CLI I am getting the below error: 

CAPWAP State: DTLS Setup

dtls_disconnect: ERROR shutting down dtls connection ...

CAPWAP State: DTLS Teardown

CAPWAP State: Discovery

Discovery Request sent to, discovery type UNKNOWN(0)

Discovery Response from

 CAPWAP State: DTLS Setup


and it is repeating this all over.


1) Will the upgrade to 8.1. firmware make any changes to the licences?

2)  Is the upgrade necessary for the AP1852 to function properly?


Please advise.








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