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CSCvk68674 - Warning Consecutive tx fail 500 : deauth'

Level 1
Level 1

I am getting the following logs in my cisco 3700 AP's.


*Feb 13 11:00:49.027: %DOT11-6-DFS_SCAN_COMPLETE: DFS scan complete on frequency 5320 MHz
*Feb 13 11:09:50.323: %DOT11-4-FLUSH_DEAUTH: Consecutive tx fail 500+: deauth 14ab.c54d.b3db
*Feb 13 11:14:42.651: %DOT11-4-FLUSH_DEAUTH: Consecutive tx fail 500+: deauth 40a3.cc00.282d
*Feb 13 11:17:51.431: %DOT11-4-FLUSH_DEAUTH: Consecutive tx fail 500+: deauth 3402.86cf.9f5e
*Feb 13 11:20:09.159: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to down
*Feb 13 11:20:09.167: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to reset


I am just wondering what can be the probable fix for this issue?



Thanks in advance.

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