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Cisco ECE email knowlege base / articles

Level 1
Level 1

I want to add to ECE liteagent/gadget more functionality for knowledge base/articles, as there are now just 4 folders (Header, Footer, Greeting and Signature) without any option of edit or add folders/subfolders.


I want to add there option to create new folders and subfolders with articles. As Cisco ECE cannot do that now, there could be option to add article from external knowledge base or list articles, create new frontend gadget for articles with share option in activity / email reply.


I was able to create gadget which can push with DOM html text into the email body but this is not option because I am not able to add attachments into the email body/activity.


Can you help me and suggest what could I do to make any of these options?

Ex. 1 Get list of all articles and push the article into email/activity when replying

Ex. 2 Create subfolders of knowledge base


I do not know why the Cisco put that away, because in older version (CIM) there were these options but after upgrede to new version Cisco removed it.


Btw, I can see on the Cisco developer website, that there is also some REST API for Articles too, but I did not found anything in docs about it.


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