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UCCX VXML REST call and VoiceBrowser questions
Level 1
Level 1

Hello, we are using uccx cluster version (ES05-9) and cucm cluster version Unrestricted.


We have connected Cisco UCCX 11.6 with ASR and TTS services and created simple VXML scrip which recognizes speech, then generates speech from recognised phrase in loop. This scenario works well.


Now we need to send http request with recognized speech to other third-party service . We are trying to send request from VXML script (using VXML2.1 <data> tag), but it is unsupported. UCCX11.6 supports VXML 2.0 only. We were also trying use a tag <script> inside VXML and use xmlHttpRequest js object to sent http request but looks like this doesn't work as well.


We know that we can do a REST Call from MAKE REST CALL step in editor.


So the, questions are:
1) Can we execute a REST API http request from inside of VXML sript or we must use only MAKE REST CALL step for this purpose?
2) We have a delay of about 1,5 seconds in start of execution VoiceBrowser step, which invokes VXML-script. Could it will be reduced?

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