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Temporary Data Partition is at 91% Capacity on WSA S390

Level 1
Level 1

Dear all,


Need your advice on how to tackle this issue. We suddenly received error on WSA that the temporary data partition is at 91%. 

Current version: AsyncOS 12.5.2-007

I run command #ipcheck and the outcome as attached. i also attached the status of the appliance.

I tried to find similar issue at community here but only managed to find this topic


Based on above discussion, so i checked on Log Subscription there's 3 type of accesslog listed. AccessLogExternal, TAC_accesslog, accesslog. All those accesslog have the deanonymization button under the column (refer attachment).

Based on the discussion link, should i proceed to enable Log Compression on accesslog to resolve the issue?

Appreciate any idea and advice. thanks!

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