Problem 1 - Router apparently has no no Bridge mode...only Repeater mode. Am I missing something?
Problem 2 - Poor WLAN performance. I can never get better than 2-3Mbps no matter what the connect speed is
Problem 3 - Doesn't show all connected devices...
Problem 4 - Port Forwarding is sometimes.
I have only had this router for a day now. I am replacing an old Netgear FVS318v1. I haven't had time to test the VPN client side yet. But in general I like this router so far. With the exception of the above problems of course. I don't need my hardware VPN connection anymore, as I have just Windows clients now. So this VPN router turns out being a good deal at $80 (for me). If anyone can offer me some suggestions here, especially with problem numbers 2 & 4, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.