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Does documentation exist on error messages for a RVS-4000?

Level 1
Level 1


I get messages from my RVS-4000 all of the time. Here is one, for this discussion:

                May 28 20:36:09  - IPSEC EVENT: KLIPS device ipsec0 shut down.

I would love some documentation on what errors a RVS-4000 can generate and send by email... For all log levels... (0...7)

A brief description would be fine... Especially if it said the error could be ignored or not!

At this time, I don't know if I should be worried or not! And I hate having to ask for information error message by error message...



8 Replies 8

Steven DiStefano
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

We have the RVS-4000 SNMP MIB posted in the documents section of this community, but we dont have a SESM Guide for the Syslogs.

Clostest thing I find was this...

and this

Steve D


Thank you for taking the time to send that information.

However, I allready have those and all of the .pdf's available. As I have searched this and before that the old linksys site for information many times.

As far as I know the information I was asking for doesn't exist in the public area's. And I'm hoping Cisco will release internal documentation on errors from a RVS-4000 and place it in the public domain.

If nothing else they can release the Source for the error routines. You know the header file(s) where they are defined...

However, it would be much better if it was a table with the error number and description with a comment on what the error means and what to do with that error... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much Better!!!!!!!!!!

Dummies like me need that kind of information...



Yes, I think you are right.  I will ask, but I dont think Cisco has this for the Small Business Routers.

I know in Cisco IOS there are over 10,000 possible Syslogs defined in the SESM.   That happened over time as code developers would find it easier to 'printf'  something rather than the grueling process of introducing a new SNMP Trap.  And in many cases you dont want traps for these things.

If there were a priority of what syslogs you would want to see defined, what category would you need first?  Firewall, VPN, ...?


What I've been talking about is not a category, but the email messages the RVS-4000 can and does send out.

I just want to understand what my Router is telling me...

The last message I received from my RVS-4000 was:

     May 28 20:36:09  - IPSEC EVENT: KLIPS device ipsec0 shut down

IPSEC EVENT sounds important. Whatever it is... And what is a KLIPS device ipsec0 shutdown????

I only have Log Levels 0-3 selected...

Log Level

Setting which level log Router should recorder. Level from 0 ~ 7 means:

0: LOG_EMERG(system is unusable)

1: LOG_ALERT(action must be taken immediately)

2: LOG_CRIT(critical conditions)

3: LOG_ERR(error conditions)

4: LOG_WARNING(warning conditions)

5: LOG_NOTICE(normal, but significant, condition)

6: LOG_INFO(informational message)

7: LOG_DEBUG(debug-level message)

So, when I get any messages... I'm a little concerned. Because the RVS-4000 thinks it's an Error or better.

I know Cisco inhered these Small Business Routers. When they bought Linksys. However, they have not discontinued them totally and they are still for sale. So I believe Cisco should support them as well.

Yes, I'm a pain to Cisco. However, I think you understand I'm being scared by my Routers messages to me... And would like some relief.


Understand.  OK. I got in touch with our Product Engineer and he is taking action to get us what you need.  And really for all Partners.

Thanks for asking.  I think its a very valid request.

Considering its a holiday weekend, I may need several business days to get you some feedback.

Either I or Tekai will post what we have available new for you as soon as we have it.



That sound real good. Thank you for your efforts in support of us.

I'm new to this form an so do not know all of the in's and out's. However, you guys might want to make these answers into solutions. For the next time, as I'm not the first to ask this question. And not the last. Just the first to ask in this way... LOLL

When the information get here, I will mark this answered.

Again Thanks Steve,

Bruce :-)

Looks like I have another cryptic message from my RVS-4000:

Jun 13 16:54:50  - Dead loop on virtual device sit1, fix it urgently!

Jun 13 16:54:53  - Dead loop on virtual device sit1, fix it urgently!

Jun 13 16:54:59  - Dead loop on virtual device sit1, fix it urgently!

Remember, my RVS-4000 is setup for 0-3 Log Levels:

Log Level

Setting which level log Router should recorder. Level from 0 ~ 7 means:

0: LOG_EMERG(system is unusable)

1: LOG_ALERT(action must be taken immediately)

2: LOG_CRIT(critical conditions)

3: LOG_ERR(error conditions)

4: LOG_WARNING(warning conditions)

5: LOG_NOTICE(normal, but significant, condition)

6: LOG_INFO(informational message)

7: LOG_DEBUG(debug-level message)

So, when I get any messages... I'm a little concerned. Because the RVS-4000 thinks it's an Error or better.

So, what is device sit1? I ask because I don't believe I'm using any virtual device's...

Bruce :-|


It has been longer that a week or so. This was in May and it's now Oct. I think I have been very patient don't you?

It's time to shake the tree so to speak.

Bruce :-(

:-( = Unhappy