I've got a RV220W that for some reason has started acting a bit strange. A couple of times a day the network stops functioning, both wireless and wired. At first I thought this had to do with my newly installed laptop, that it maybe caused some hickup that made the router reboot but even when it's turned off I can still read in the logs of my NAS server (Qnap TS-419P+) that "Lan 1 is down" followed by a "Lan 1 is up" a couple of minutes after.
The things connected to the network by wire is my Macbook Pro (2012), the Qnap and an LG home theater system and the wireless devices are a couple of iPhones and an iPad. The problems started after new years eve and I've been running the latest firmware ( for a few weeks before that.
Where can I start to try and find out what's wrong? I don't understand the logs at all but should I post some of them here for you to look at? In that case, which one?