I just rolled my home network over from an ASA 5510 to an RV180. I have one problem with it.
There are 4 Vlans
I had noticed during the setup process that vlan 11 and 12 had defaulted to a /16 after being setup as a /24. I was able to change vlan 12 to a /24. It is now handing out the correct IP's. I tried the same thing for vlan 11 it shows that it is changed in the web UI but it hands out /16. I deleted the vlan and recreated it and it does the same thing. I adjusted my network so that everything now works but it shouldn't be that way.
On a side not i noticed that the WAN traffic meter the max bandwidth only goes up to 97.655273GB. Isn't the point of the meter so that it can be used with ISP caps? Most caps are around 250GB. Also under the when limit reached the only options are block all traffic or black all traffic except e-mail. What you just want to be notified.