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WRT54G simple question or two re static IP setup and Port Forwarding

Level 1
Level 1

the router is dynamic above .100,  an IPcamera is dynamically set at.103

So, with a  power outage and restart -- that 103 might change yes?
I would like to Assign static IP address to camera

But, this router doesn't seem to have a "these are the devices connected to me right now" area

If so, I can't force the router to assign a static ip address (eg. .44) and hence, I'm
left with the ipcam (maybe)  telling the router: hello, I want .44 for an ip address. Make it so.

And if the IPcam can't do that I'm stuck with having a dynamic range address
or upgrading to some other router that does allow assignment of static IP addrs to devices (the IPCam doesn't seem to have _anything_ that will allow choosing an IP (they way you might through Windows Control Panel for a desktop IP.

Ok, Whatever the results are of the answers to above, I'm trying to get to the solution of a port forwarding issue.

I followed this link for a sanity check:  ; and it seems quite straight forward -- but no dice on a solution.

I can access the router from a public machine.
I've set up Port forwarding to the IPCam but no matter what options (both,tcp,udp)
I try I get 'this page can not be displayed' (IE11) or 'connection timed out' (FF) when I attempt access to the device via
the public IP address of the router.

locally I do have access (ie via I'm good)

Does anybody have any idea where my PF and/or setup is incorrect ?

Here's a couple of captures:  Thanks!

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