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Hello Everyone, I have a 2900 Series ISP provided router. They have provided me an IPV6 /64 range in LAN interface. When i connect a laptop directly to that interface and assign a static IP  fd1d:27ba:9514:61bf::5/64  (This is just for Example) On...

Hi Guys, Good day. I just want to tap your expertise on this matter. Our current network is being setup with a diagram below. When NYR1 BGP link going to ATT MPLS was DOWN we are not receiving the expected routes (167.1.x.x, 167.2.x.x, 167.3.x.x) to...

Engr.heis by Level 1
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Hello Cisco! Please help me! I have Cisco ISR4451-X/K9 with "isr4400-universalk9.03.16.05.S.155-3.S5-ext.SPA.bin"; I'm trying to migrate the configuration from Cisco CISCO2921/K9 "c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-3.M7.bin"; I have problems with policy-ma...

Hi, We have 2 wan links at branch end to reach the DC. When we are trying to access to DC applications outgoing traffic is going one link and return traffic is taking other link. We want return traffic on same link. Please suggest how we take fix ...

Hi, I have a new spoke site coming up with MPLS as primary and Metro E as backup. Both spoke site and Hub site use the same MPLS Service provider XYZ Spoke site setup (New)================= MPLS - XYZMetro E as backup to Hub site (same city) - Pro...

I have a Cisco 3925 spe200 that has a password on it and I'm trying to remove it. When I try to break at bootup into rommon it shows this Total memory size = 1024 MB - DIMM0 = 512 MB, DIMM1 = 512 MBCISCO3925-CHASSIS with C3900-SPE200/K9 with 1048576...

jkay18041 by Level 3
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