I woulk like to know if it's normal that the interface cellular 0 goes Up only when trafic want to pass on it ?
I Use Gigabitehternet 0 like primary WAN interface and Cellular 0 interface like Backup.
I'm using Wan Failover with IP SLA command.
When the primary Wan-1 from interface Gigabitethernet 0 is UP, The cellular interface 0 look like not connected to the Telus LTE network.
If Wan-1 Goes Down, the router switch the route to the interface cellular 0 and the interface goes Up automatiquely.
The delay is predy quick, but i woulk like to know if it's ok to use it like that or if it's better that the interface cellular 0 stay always UP ?
If it's better that the Interface cellular 0 stay always UP, please let me know how to do that.
Please see the router config attached.
Thank You !