To being with we are using our routing environment using MPLS link and running BGP. As a backup we have implemented DMVPN tunnels which run over the internet. These DMVPN tunnels kick in only when the main MPLS link fails. Otherwise this backup Internet link is just standby and is not used.
I am planning to use this backup Internet link by passing some traffic over this and it would be best to send Internet traffic over this link. This is not a local Egress and the traffic would still tunnel to the Head Office.
If I use that by doing some BGP manipulations I am ending up in asymmetric routing at the Head Office.
What is the solution that the experts recommend?
One solution I am thinking of is NAT all the traffic going out of the tunnel to some different IP and prefer this IP over the DMVPN at the Head Office. i.e. tweak BGP to prefer this path. If that route seems feasible can that be achieved? I have pasted a sample configuration of my DMVPN from one for the Branch Office.
interface Tunnel0
description ** Spoke-Regular GRE --> to Head Office **
bandwidth 2000
ip address
no ip redirects
ip mtu 1480
ip nhrp authentication DmvPNoverInet
ip nhrp map
ip nhrp map multicast
ip nhrp network-id 100
ip nhrp holdtime 300
ip nhrp nhs
ip tcp adjust-mss 1360
tunnel source Serial1/0
tunnel destination
tunnel key 100
tunnel protection ipsec profile vpn-dmvpn
This is a tunnel configuration of the spoke DMVPN where I am planning to do some NATting.