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EHWIC-3G-HSPA+7 in Cisco 2901

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

I tried to configure HSPA+7 module in Cisco 2901. After configure profile and setting, it prompted the following console message and no further debug message for chat nor modem.

Can anyone advise it?


Paul Au


Nov 17 04:54:36.243: %LINK-3-BADENCAP: Interface Cellular0/0/0, Bad encapsulation code (30) -Process= "Exec", ipl= 0, pid= 3

-Traceback= 22B7F5E8z 225F6398z 22B5DE9Cz 22B5F028z 22B5F338z 22B5F3A4z 22EC67F4

z 22BA1EB8z 22BA29A4z 22BA36C0z 22BA3B00z 22BA7420z 2248D858z 2248D9FCz 22B332D8

z 2248C668z


Running configuration:

chat-script gsm "" "AT!SCACT=1,1" TIMEOUT 60 "OK"

crypto pki token default removal timeout 0



license udi pid CISCO2901/K9 sn FGL162521NK





controller Cellular 0/0






interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0

no ip address

no ip route-cache



interface GigabitEthernet0/0

ip address

no ip route-cache

duplex auto

speed auto

no mop enabled


interface GigabitEthernet0/1

no ip address

no ip route-cache


duplex auto

speed auto


interface Cellular0/0/0

ip address negotiated

encapsulation slip

no ip route-cache

dialer in-band

dialer string gsm

dialer-group 1

async mode interactive


interface Cellular0/0/1

no ip address

encapsulation slip

no ip route-cache


ip forward-protocol nd


no ip http server

no ip http secure-server


ip route Cellular0/0/0


access-list 1 permit any

dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1








line con 0

line aux 0

line 2

no activation-character

no exec

transport preferred none

transport input all

transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh

stopbits 1

line 0/0/0

exec-timeout 0 0

script dialer gsm

modem InOut

no exec

line 0/0/1

no exec


4 Replies 4

Hi Paul,

Please find some explanation reg the bug


LINK Error Messages

Data link error messages

Error Message

%LINK-3-BADENCAP: Interface [chars] Bad encapsulation 
code [dec]

Explanation    The lower level software was unable to write a MAC header for a datagram. A probable cause is configuration error.

Recommended Action    Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.


Error Message     

%LINK-3-BADENCAP : Interface %s, Bad encapsulation code (%d)

Explanation    The lower level software was unable to write a MAC header for a datagram. A probable cause is configuration error.

Recommended Action    Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at With some messages, these tools and utilities will supply clarifying information. Also perform a search of the Bug Toolkit If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information.

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"Everybody is genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is a stupid."

Hi Thanveer ,

Thanks very much for your reply.

From below explanation, it seems it was cause by configuration error. As I am new to Cisco router, do u think something wrong in the configuration?

Paul Au


Explanation    The lower level software was unable to write a MAC header for  a datagram. A probable cause is configuration error.


Hi Paul,

Please follow the following steps

Configuring the Cellular Interface (HSPA+7)

To configure the cellular interface, enter the following commands in the cellular interface mode.


1. configure terminal

2. interface cellular unit

3. encapsulation slip

4. asynchronous mode interactive

5. ip address negotiated


Command or Action


Step 1 

router# configure terminal 


router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode from the terminal.

Step 2 

router(config)# interface cellular unit


router(config)# interface cellular 0/0/0

Specifies the cellular interface.

Note Interface cellular 0/0/0 is for PDP 1
Interface cellular 0/0/1 is for PDP 2
Multiple PDP contexts are applicable only to HSPA HWICs.

Step 3 

router(config-if)# encapsulation slip


router(config-if)# encapsulation slip

Specifies slip encapsulation for an interface configured for dedicated asynchronous mode or dial-on-demand routing (DDR).

Step 4 

router(config-if)# async mode interactive


router(config-if)# async mode interactive

Returns a line that has been placed into dedicated asynchronous network mode to interactive mode, thereby enabling the SLIP and PPP commands in the privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5 

router(config-if)# ip address negotiated


router(config-if)# ip address negotiated

Specifies that the IP address for a particular interface is obtained via PPP/IPCP address negotiation.

Note When a static IP address is required for the cellular interface, the address may be configured as ip address negotiated. During IPCP, the network ensures that the correct static IP address is allocated to the device. If a tunnel interface is configured with ip address unnumbered , it is necessary to configure the actual static IP address under the cellular interface, in place of ip address negotiated. For a sample cellular interface configuration, see the "Basic Cellular Interface Configuration (HSPA+7)" section.

Configuring DDR

To configure DDR for the cellular interface, follow these steps.


1. configure terminal

2. interface cellular unit

3. dialer in-band

4. dialer idle-timeout

5. dialer string

6. dialer group

7. exit

8. dialer-list protocol {permit | deny | list | access-group}>

9. ip access-listpermit

10. line unit

11. script dialer

12. exit

13. chat-script

Hey Paul,

Wise suggession is to raise a TAC with Cisco.



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