I have a problem on ASR9K routing, i found this log on ASR9K , am not sure about the meanning of this ?
but i found the route record are slowly update to our routing table.
I hope you give me your recommendation for this problem.
Thanks in advanced.
%ROUTING-BGP-3-INITSYNC_PFX_MISMATCH : Neighbor: x.x.x.x State: Idle Flags: 0xa310000 vrf: default AFI: IPv4 Unicast Pfx received: 5230843 expected: 423616 - will retry once more
%ROUTING-BGP-3-NBR_NSR_DISABLED : NSR disabled on neighbor x.x.x.x due to Standby reset
%ROUTING-BGP-5-NBR_NSR_DISABLED_STANDBY : NSR disabled on neighbor x.x.x.x on standby due to Peer closing down the session (VRF: default)
%ROUTING-BGP-3-NBR_NSR_DISABLED : NSR disabled on neighbor x.x.x.x due to TCP retransmissions
%IP-TCP_NSR-5-DISABLED : y.y.y.y:41576 <-> x.x.x.x:179:: NSR disabled for TCP connection because Retransmission threshold exceeded