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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

SAMT Contract Admins may use the “Manage by Name” tab to add or remove support access to a specific contract or contracts. Support access provides access to all service entitlements contained in a contract. This may be access to Cisco’s technical assistance, hardware replacements, and software downloads. Users granted support access to a contract will be entitled to consume the services that the contract offers for the user’s parent company.

Follow the steps below to grant support access or remove support access in SAMT.


Add Contract Numbers to a profile

Step 1. Log into SAMT. Click the “Manage by Name” tab. If you manage Bill-to IDs, by default you land on the “Using Bill to ID” subtab. Click “Using Contract Number”.

Step 2. Click the ‘Support Access’ radio-button.


Step 3. Find and choose the user profile to add the contract. You have 3 options.
Option a) Click the hyperlink provided on the page to view and search through all users with access to service contracts that you manage.


After clicking the hyperlink, a warning box appears as it may take some time for the system to return all the users. Click Yes to proceed.


Option b) Use the search feature to find a user who currently has access to a contract that you manage. You may search using Last Name, First Name, Company Name, Email Address, or ID. If a user you are granting access to does not currently have access to any other contract you manage, they will not appear when using the search feature. 


 Option c) Click the ‘Add Name’ button above the search area.


 Enter the user’s CCO ID or email address in the text field provided.


 Step 4. Users resulting from 3a, 3b, or 3c are displayed on the screen. Click the radio button next to the user who needs access and choose “Add Contract to Profile”. Click Submit.


Step 5. SAMT displays the service contracts you manage and are not currently in the individual's profile for support access. Search for the contract(s) to add to the user’s profile. When using the search fields in the columns to find a contract, if the contract does not appear in the search results, click "Next Page" and search again. Continue searching each page until reaching the last page of contracts or until the contract(s) matching the search criteria are found. To decrease the number of pages to search, choose the largest amount of "Items per page" to search at one time.

Step 6. Check the box next to the contract(s) to add to the user’s profile. You may choose multiple contracts. Click Submit.If you are unable to choose a contract, you may need to re-validate the users who currently have access to the contract before you can add new users. Visit the “Administration” tab to re-validate user access to the contract(s).


Step 7. If you are a SAMT Admin for the bill-to party on a selected contract or manage more than one install-at party on a selected contract, a pop-up may appear on screen. Choose the parent company that the user works for, or on-behalf of. If you only manage one company on the service contract, you may not see a pop-up. The user will be granted access to the company on the contract that you manage access to in SAMT.



Caution: Granting user access to user(s) not authorized to obtain support could expose protected customer data and render you and/or your company liable for the exposure. 

Step 8. SAMT displays a success message.



Delete Contract Numbers from a Profile


Step 1. Log into SAMT. Click the “Manage by Name” tab. If you manage Bill-to IDs, by default you land on the “Using Bill to ID” subtab. Click “Using Contract Number”. Click the ‘Support Access’ radio-button.

SupAcMBN_11.pngStep 2. Find and choose the user profile to remove from the contract. You have 3 options.
Option a) Click the hyperlink provided to view and search through all users with access to service contracts that you manage.


 After clicking the hyperlink, a warning box appears as it may take some time for the system to return all the users. Click Yes to proceed.



Option b) Use the search feature to find a user who currently has access to a contract that you manage. You may search using Last Name, First Name, Company Name, Email Address, or ID. If a user you are granting access to does not currently have access to any other contract you manage, they will not appear when using the search feature.


Option c) Click the ‘Add Name’ button above the search area.


Enter the user’s CCO ID or email address in the text field provided. 



Step 3. Users resulting from 2a, 2b, or 2c are displayed on the screen. Click the radio button next to the user profile to remove contract(s) and choose “Delete Contract from Profile” from the action drop down. Click Submit.



Step 4. SAMT displays the service contracts you manage and are currently in the chosen individual's profile for support access. Search for the contract(s) to remove from the user’s profile. Check the box(es) next to the contract(s) to remove. You may choose multiple contracts. Click Submit.

Note the column “Associated as part of a Group”. If “Yes”, the user was granted access to a contract group that contained the contract being removed. The user will remain in the group but access to the contract will be removed from the user. You may not own the contract group used to grant access to the user. Check the tutorials for contract groups to understand more about groups.



Step 5. SAMT displays a success message.


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