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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Contract groups are a quick method to add multiple contracts to users at one time. At least one contract must be added to a group at the time of group creation. Additional contracts may be added to the group after creation. When a user profile is “added to a group”, the user will be granted access to the contracts/parent companies contained in the group. This tutorial shows you how to:

• Add contract(s) to a contract group
• Remove contract(s) from a contract group


Step 1: Log into SAMT and click Manage by Group tab (1) and click on Using Contract Number (2).
Step 2: Choose if you want to edit a Support Access group or a Software Access group.


Step 3: Select which group you want to edit from the contract groups listed on the bottom of the screen (3).


Proceed to Step 4 of either Add Contract to a Group or to Remove Contract from a Group.


Add a contract to a contract group

Step 4: Select ‘Add Contract to group’ (2) from the Action dropdown selection (1). Click Submit (3).


Step 5: Enter or select the contract(s) you would like to add to the contract group.

A. To add a single contract to the contract group, enter a contract number in the box labeled “Enter Contract Number” and click on Submit, or
B. To add multiple contracts, click checkbox of the contracts to add to the contract group from the list of contracts displayed onscreen. Click Submit.

Note: If the user re-validation of a contract is overdue, you will not be able to add the contract to the group. The checkbox for a contract that is overdue will be grayed out and a pop-up message will appear. Please visit the re-validation links on the Administration tab within SAMT to re-validate the contract(s).


Step 6: A pop-up page may appear if the contract(s) being added to the group contains multiple end users. On the pop-up page click the box next to the parent company(s) on the contract that you want to add to the group. Click Save.
Note: Incorrectly granting access to users from other companies creates a potential for customer data exposure and fraud.


Step 7: (Result): SAMT adds the contract(s) to the contract group and displays a success message.


Remove a contract from a contract group
Note: This action will revoke access to the contract from all users connected to the group with access.

Step 4 (a): Select the contract group from which you want to delete a contract
Step 4(b): At the bottom of the screen in the drop-down (1), select Delete Contract from group (2) and click Submit (3).


Step 5: Select the contract(s) you wish to delete from the group (1) and click Submit (2) or enter a contract number in the text box appearing in gray area at the top of the page and click Submit.


Step 6: If the group contains contracts with service lines for more than one parent company, the system will display a pop-up screen listing the contracts and parent company service lines in the group. Choose which access should be removed by checking the box. If there are multiple parent companies under one contract and only one parent company is unchecked (will not be removed), the contract will remain in the group, but access will be limited to the remaining unchecked partner company(s) service lines on the contract. Click Save to process the selection.



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