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Dev Vishwakarma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on configuring ACS 5.x to take backup of its configuration data. It is highly recommended that you you backup the ACS 5.x configuration data in timely fashion in order to restore the same backup if ACS 5.x crashes, or, if you need to build a new system from scratch.


Types of Backup

There are 2 types of backups that you can create on ACS 5.x


1. One time backup - This will create a backup on the repository immediately. For a primary instance, you can back up the following:

     [a] ACS configuration data only

     [b] ACS configuration data and ADE-OS configuration data


For secondary instances, ACS only backs up the ADE-OS configuration data.


2. Scheduled backup - You can schedule backups to be run at periodic  intervals. You can schedule backups from the primary web interface or  through the local CLI. The Scheduled Backups feature backs up ACS  configuration data.



The first step towards taking backup on the ACS 5.x is to create a repository that will specify the protocol and the location where the backup has to be stored. In case you already have a repository configured on the ACS 5.x then you can skip to the backup creation section.



Create a repository

Repositories are required to be configured on the ACS 5.x to export and import data. To create, duplicate, edit, or delete a software repository:

  1. Choose System Administration > Operations > Software Repositories. Click on Create to create a new repository.
  2. Complete the fields in the Software Repositories Properties Page. Following are the protocol choices that you have.

ACS 5.x Repository Configuration Protocol Information


The name of the protocol that you want to use to transfer the upgrade file. Valid options are:

  • DISK—If you choose this protocol, you must provide the path.
  • FTP—If you choose this protocol, you must provide the server name, path, and credentials.
  • SFTP—If you choose this protocol, you must provide the server name, path, and credentials.
  • TFTP—If you choose this protocol, you must enter the name of the TFTP server. You can  optionally provide the path.
  • NFS—If you choose this protocol, you must provide the server name and path. You can  optionally provide the credentials. If you choose this protocol, make sure that ACS has full  access to the NFS file system. You must have read-write and allow root access permission on  the NFS file system.
3. Click Submit.
Here is a screenshot of repository configuration page:


Create a one time backup


1. Choose System Administration > Operations > Distributed System Management.




2. From the Primary Instance table or the Secondary Instances table, select the instance that you want to back up and click Backup.

You can select only one primary instance, but many secondary instances for a backup.


3. Enter a filename prefix to which ACS appends the backup time stamp. Then click Select to open the Software Update and Backup Repositories dialog box, from which you can select the appropriate repository in which to store the backup file.


There are 2 backup options while taking the backup of the primary instance. Secondary only takes ADE-OS backup.


Backup Options (only applicable for primary instances)

ACS Configuration Backup

Click this option if you want to back up only the ACS configuration data.

ACS Configuration and ADE-OS Backup

Click this option if you want to back up both the ACS configuration data  and the ADE-OS configuration data.

Select the backup option that you want and click Submit.


Create a scheduled backup

You can create a scheduled backup only for the primary instance. To create, duplicate, or edit a scheduled backup:


1. Choose System Administration > Operations > Scheduled Backups. Click Create.


2. Provide a Filename, Repository, and the schedule at which the backup should be taken. Avoid scheduling the backup at mid-night, as there are other scheduled jobs that are run at mid night by ACS 5.x automatically.



3. Click Submit.


Curtis Gregg
Community Member

5 Star rating.. great post thanks!

Level 7
Level 7

A fine post Dev, but you may want to add information about the ACS View db backup since it can easily be the largest backup. It also has the most backup options to configure, such as incremental and compression settings.

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