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Namit Agarwal
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
In case we see the error message Internal Error 2738  follow these steps:
1.     Run a command prompt in administrator mode (Start/All Programs/Accessories/ right click on Command Prompt, select Run As Administrator)
2.     type: cd %systemroot%\system32
3.     type: regsvr32 vbscript.dll Now try installing the client in admin mode on Windows 7. If the same error pops up again use the following:
     a.     Click on the Start menu, choose Run, type cmd and click OK
     b.     To unregister the VBScript engine, run this command: reg delete “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}” /f
     c.     type: regsvr32 vbscript.dll

The idea behind the above steps is the error code 2738. This error code pops up when the installer uses VBSCRIPT and cannot find the VBScript engine to parse it. The installer
should be able to find it normally as the VBScript Engine is registered and running with the OS. But with Windows VISTA and Windows 7 for some reason the VBScript engine is not
registered or it is registered under the HKCU in the windows registry. We need to unregister it from there(done by removing registry entry) and re-register it under HKLM
(done by command regsvr32 vbscript.dll).

On Vista or Windows 7 or any OS the engine used is specified by the installer for the software. The installer can be written in VBScript or JAVA Script. Every Script running on
Windows uses a WSH(Windows Scripting Host). For VBScript VBscript engine is used and similarly for JAVA Script Java Script engine is used. Here we got the error message 2738
which determined the problem to be with VB Script engine. In case the problem was with JAVA Script engine the error code is 2739.

In case we see the error message Internal Error 2739  follow these steps:
1.     Run a command prompt in administrator mode (Start/All Programs/Accessories/ right click on Command Prompt, select Run As Administrator)
2.     type: cd %systemroot%\system32
3.     type: regsvr32 jscript.dll Now try installing the client in admin mode on Windows 7. If the same error pops up again use the following:
     a.     Click on the Start menu, choose Run, type cmd and click OK
     b.     To unregister the JScript engine, run this command: reg delete “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{F414C260-6AC0-11CF-B6D1-00AA00BBBB58}” /f (can do it manually also)
     c.     type: regsvr32 jscript.dll
Community Member

I have Win7 32bit, got 2738 error, I followed the instruction here, but failed again. I tried to run command reg delete “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}” /f

and system reported error ERROR: Invalid key name.

Community Member

I have this problem with Windows Vista Home Basic and I tried folling the above, and like Hardy Wang, I get the same error when trying to delete the registry key.  I tried with and without quotation marks.  I tried running the VPN installer as an Admin but it keeps returning the "Internal Error code 2738" message.

EDIT: I figured out the problem and solution.  I uninstalled McAfee security software but apparently McAfee leaves remnants which messes up some installers (not just Cisco, according to ).  I ran the McAfee cleaner program ( ) and then rebooted and after that, I was able to install the Cisco VPN Client

Community Member

Cannot establish remote connection VPN Error #2738???

Try check the current network properties, more details here:

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