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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

The Unable to assign a password to the SA Account error message usually comes up when there was a previous version of Cisco Security Agent (CSA), and some of the files were deleted though the uninstall process was not completed. The uninstall information is left behind, and the setup process finds this information and shifts to upgrade mode instead of install mode.

This error could also result if the Microsoft SQL Desktop Edition (MSDE) was partially installed when the first attempt to load the Management Center for Cisco Security Agents (CSA MC) was made. When an attempt is made to install the CSA MC again, those partially loaded pieces convince the CSA MC that it does not need to install the MSDE. However, as the CSA MC install proceeds, it finds that some of the files and structures of a fully installed MSDE are missing.


In order to resolve this issue, perform these steps to uninstall and reinstall the CSA MC:

  1. Uninstall the CSA from the CSA MC machine, if applicable.

  2. Reboot the CSA MC machine.

  3. Open the Services applet and stop these services, if applicable:

    • Microsoft SQLServer (MSSQLServer)
    • Cisco Security Agent Management Console
    • CiscoWorks Daemon Manager
    • Seagate Page Server
    • Seagate Web Component Server

  4. Delete the program files\CSCOpx\CSAMC directory.

  5. Delete program files\installshield Installation

  6. Delete these registry keys:

    • HKLM - software - Cisco - CSAMC
    • HKLM - software - Cisco Systems - Management Center for Cisco Security Agents
    • HLKM - software - Seagate Software
    • HKLM - currentcontrolset-services-CSAMC
    • HKLM - currentcontrolset-services - WebCompServer
    • HKLM - currentcontrolset-services - pageserver
    • HKLM - software - microsoft - windows - currentversion - uninstall: {F30535B5-5C0B-11D4-97C0-0050DA10E5AE}

    7.     Start the MSSQLServer service.

    8.     Start the CiscoWorks Daemon Manager service.

    9.     Re-run the setup.exe for CSAMC.

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