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Level 10



This document describes the prodecure of taking back-up of Digital Certificates.


What are Digital Certificates?

A digital certificate can be defined as an electronic certificate with a registered digital seal which ensures secrecy for all kinds of transactions over the Internet and in return prevents transaction forgery. Digital certificates are issued by a certification authority (CA). Each certificate contains




A serial number

Serial number of the certificate.

Issuer unique ID

The identity of the certification authority

Validity period

The start and end dates of the validity period of the certificate.

Subject unique ID

Identity of the subscriber including his/her name

Public key

A public key of the subscriber

Intended use of public key

Specific purpose of public key use (Electronic signature, encryption, etc.)

Certificate policy and CSP

Certification policy and Certification Practice Statement used by the CA to issue the certificate

Signature value of CA

CA’s signature value that proves the above is true


The certificate when used ensures the following:

  • Verify user identity,
  • Prevent document forgery or tampering and prove transactions.



It is not possible to take a back-up copy of the certificates installed on the Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator. You must reinstall and re-enroll them if necessary.

For more information about certificates and their installation, refer to these documents:





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