Hi there,
I have an urgent problem with a new ESXi 5 installation including Nexus 1000V.
4x fresh installed and updated ESXi 5 Servers with Nexus 1000V, latests Version. 1000V install through OVF-Template, configured as Layer-3.
Both VSM's are up and runnig. In the show module I can see both VSM's and only one VEM. I discovered on every ESXi through 'vemcmd show card' that the card UUID is always the same. How can this happen?
The ESXi LUN's aren't cloned. Every ESXi has it's own Boot-LUN and was unique installed. I can change the card UUID manual with 'vemcmd card [new uuid]' and all VEM's are active in 'show module' and everything works fine. But this change isn't persistant. The UUID's changed back overnight.
Does anybody know how the card UUID's are generated and how I make the manual UUID change persistant?
Thank you