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Frank Heinig
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The nominal input voltage of the modular DC power-subsystem on NCS6k is -48 VDC or -60 VDC. It accepts an input tolerance in the range from –40 to –72 VDC. Alarms are generated if certain thresholds are crossed.

Minor: -44V
Major: -42V
Critical: -40.75V

A low battery alarm is generated if the threshold is crossed for 12 or more seconds. 

The following example displays a major alarm message if the corresponding threshold is crossed:

0/RP0/ADMIN0:Feb 14 00:48:54.994 : envmon[1886]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :Power Module Warning (low input voltage) :DECLARE :0/PT0-PM2: Power tray 0 power module 2 is under DC_PEM_LOW_BATTERY_MAJOR condition(Input < 42V).

The output of show alarm displays the alarm condition on the system like in the following example:

sysadmin-vm:0_RP0# show alarm
Mon Jun  30 20:18:19.358 UTC

Active Alarms
Location          Severity      Group           Set time            Description
0/PT0-PM2         major         environ         06/30/14 19:16:14   (Input < 42V): Check Battery


The shutdown thresholds are as below:

SW shutdown: -40V
HW shutdown: -39V


​The following example displays the critical alarm message if the input voltage is below -40V on all power modules:

0/RP0/ADMIN0:Feb 14 00:48:53.432 : envmon[1886]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-2-FAULT_CRITICAL : ALARM_CRITICAL :Low input voltage chassis shutdown :DECLARE :0: CHASSIS SHUTDOWN due to all power modules in failed or input voltage < 40V condition.

0/RP0/ADMIN0:Feb 14 00:48:53.474 : shelf_mgr[1925]: %INFRA-SHELF_MGR-3-FAULT_ACTION_RACK_FORCED_SHUTDOWN : Forced shutdown requested for rack 0
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